My cutie little boy is already almost 3mths old! I love watching him change...and learn new things. He is a strong boy and can hold his head up high for quite some time. Unlike the girls, Gideon loves to be on his belly...often taking 2-3 hour naps this way (I check on him often when he's like this! Don't worry, I know the rules :)
Life has definitely been different with 3 kids. In the beginning, I really had to map out in my mind how I was going to do even the simplest things, like get in/out of the car! haha Now, it's just routine...Camille get out first, then Aliza Jane. This way, Camille can hold Aliza's hand so she doesn't jet off! I tell them to stay close to the car...Camille will touch it with one hand to make sure she's close enough :) Secretly, I think Aliza loves holding hands with Camille, she doesn't get too much one on one physical contact with Camille, unless they are wrestling each other to the ground! Anyway,then I usually will put Gideon in the sling and we're off...all holding hands! It really is adorable :) I am beyond thankful that I have pretty obedient children! I don't have to worry about Camille running off as soon as I put her down! She loves to play "big sister" too...I think she likes the control! Anyway, I have loved my time with my cute little family...and Gideon eats every 4 hours, so that often gives me some time to run off by myself for a few hours when Aaron is home on the weekends. I LOVE MY HUSBAND! He's really the best :)
Any way, here's Gideon...

Love love love the pics ~ beautiful kids ~ beautiful parents ~ inside and out <3