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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

one down...

Looking back at my first year of marriage (8 years ago!!) I can remember just being so extremely excited I was finally getting to be with the man I loved all day everyday! Except of course it didn't turn out that way...I worked an 8-5 job while Aaron was taking classes during the day and working graveyard shifts at night. We barely got to say hi, much less eat dinner together. I remember being so desperate to spend time with him, I asked if I could come with him to work during the night! haha! One night of that, and I was done!

I loved our first year together. I think I made every recipe that sounded good...and easy! I also mastered the grilled cheese sandwich :) We learned that there was MUCH that needed to be developed in our relationship...even though we thought we had it all figured out before hand! God really grew our love for each other that year...which made it easier to pack up and leave my family and follow my husbands dreams the following year. Each year has been even greater than the last, what a joy and privilege it is to be with some one and grow a family together and never feel like I've "missed out" on something a long the way. 

Kaylie and Eric...I hope this year has been absolutely wonderful for you! May the Lord bless you with a life time of joy the way, you are Beautiful!

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